ABN: 82 387 812 280

Inala Health Improvement Fund

The Inala Health Improvement Fund aims to benefit those living in the communities of Inala and surrounding suburbs. The Fund aims to break down barriers and provided enhanced access to care for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in the community. By working together, The Inala Health Improvement Fund aims to improve the overall health of the community, creating continuous change with long-lasting positive results.

Why Inala

Inala and the surrounding region represents one of the most disadvantaged communities in the whole of QLD. The correlation between disadvantaged communities and higher levels of illness is strong. The correlation between disadvantaged communities and poor health outcomes is just as strong. Inala was ranked 4th on the list of most disadvantaged areas across the whole of QLD1.


1. A Scan of Disadvantage in Queensland, Centre for Social Justice for Uniting Care Queensland October 2006


The funding for our programs are only possible through the generosity and charity of private donors from a wide cross section of the community. The majority are former and current local residents/businesses who wish to give privately to improve the welfare of the residents in Inala and surrounding suburbs. Many of these individuals and business have been financially successful and would like to give back to their local community in a direct and practical manner. At present, the Fund does not receive any government support of funding. The programs that are funded by the Inala Health Improvement Fund are determined by the donors and their wishes and their specifications as outlined in their donation and bequests. If donations and bequest are provided without any specifications, the funding will go towards existing programs.

Service Delivery Model

The Inala Health Improvement Fund does not deliver services directly to individuals. It achieves the program aim by working with local health professionals who are treating patients at the grassroots level. We provide funding subsidies on the advice and discretion of the clinicians caring for the patient. We aim to partner with local health businesses who share the passion and vision of the Fund to improve the short term and long term health outcomes of the community. Funds are never paid directly to patients, but to health providers along the health care continuum that provide services to patients at the request of their GP.